A Tribute to Pam

We were left bereft of a great friend on Friday 12 September when Pam Stead, co-founder of Cutting Edge passed away.

She, along with Monica and Hilary, established Cutting Edge in April 2011. And, she worked hard to ensure that it blossomed into the happy group that it is today. In fact, she was so successful that people are queueing up to get in! What a legacy.

Pam will be missed by many, but we can all draw comfort from the fact that we have many happy memories on which to reflect and she will always be there is spirit spurring us on to carry on creating!

We had some great times! She loved her quilting and was thrilled at the offers of help to finish binding a quilt that she had made for her daughter’s wedding present.

finished sewing web

Last year she played a crucial part in the creation of a quilt made to celebrate the 50th anniversary of a friends school and thrilled that the quilt was exhibited at the Festival of Quilts in August this year.

Pam and Hilary web

school quilt web

This year she entered the Quilter’s Guild British Finnish Stash Challenge and was so excited when she heard that it had been chosen for exhibition. This quilt also featured at the Festival of Quilts in August.

Pam quilt1 web

As well as her quilting Pam also liked to experiment with fabric paints, stencil, print blocks and markel stiks and it was always great fun working with her at the Dyeing to Paint group.

She particularly liked the shaving foam technique.

shaving foam demo web

Pam Sandr and Hilary web

Pam was co-ordinating exhibition space for the West Country show before she left us and one of the tasks was to think of a title for the Cutting Edge contribution. This was her response

“Cutting Edge goes on Tour” ?
“Cutting Edge – the latest cuts” ?
“Cutting Edge comes to Brissle”?
“Cutting Edge, looking sharp”?
“Cutting Edge steps out of the blog” ?
“Cutting Edge – not a hairdresser’s” ?

What a girl! We have a hard act to follow.

Pam Stead_edited-1

We have received a number of emails from CE members paying tribute to Pam, which are shared below.

I first met Pam over 20 years ago when I returned to work and she was working as an Occupational Therapist lecturer. Our paths crossed frequently and it was delightful to meet her again at Cutting Edge. Pam was a lovely lady always with a smile and a kind word. We were blessed to have known her. Dilys Robertson

I can remember in the early days when we met at Llanbleddian Pam coming to the meeting with great enthusiasm as she had been on a course showing the use of shaving foam to transfer colour. Pam duly demonstrated and I was so thrilled to produce my first fabric collage good enough to be framed- thank you Pam. What a lovely, gentle lady, I will miss Pam very much. Liz Price

Thank you for showing the photograph of Pam demonstrating the shaving foam technique to me. Her enthusiasm was infectious and I was really pleased with my work of Art. I had only known Pam for a year, but it seemed much longer. She was always welcoming, approachable, helpful and friendly. It’s so sad. Keris Howard

So sorry about Pam. What a loss of vitality to all her friends. I’m so glad that she finished that magnificent wedding quilt, though. What an heirloom to remember her by. Jeannie Hainsworth Lamb

My abiding memories of Pam and Roger would be mince pies and mulled wine being passed out of their cottage window for Carols round the pond in Llysworney. And, a Salsa dancing party/ class. I think it must have been a 40th birthday in Colwinston Village Hall -it proved that Dave and I can’t Salsa but was fun trying. Pam was a gentle lady with a quiet determination. Julia Fulford

Just cannot believe it, so sudden, a lovely lady who will be sorely missed. Liz Fagg

Absolutely devastated and so shocked to hear the news about Pam. She was such a lovely kind and generous person and will be missed by us all. Chris Dobson

Absolutely devastated and so shocked to hear the news about Pam – we thought that both of you were on holidays and that’s why you were away from cutting edge. She was such a lovely kind and generous person and will be missed by us all. Fran Barrett

Really very sorry for the loss of your Friend Pam. She will be greatly missed by all at Cutting Edge, Even though l have not met her, she seemed a great lady. Catherine Macey

Gilly and I are both heart broken at the sad news. She was a very special lady and will be so missed by us all. For me she was the first point of contact to a wonderful group she helped set up. Jan Webster

I only met her a few times, but could tell what a lovely lady she was. Best Wishes to her family and friends. Maggie Cullinane

We have truly lost a dear friend in Pam, may she rest in peace. Anita Orford

I have only known Pam for the last year since I first came to Cutting Edge, she has always been very welcoming and friendly. Stephanie Alpin

That’s really sad news. I just can’t believe it. Please send her family my deepest sympathies, Sandra Ajax

” Rosie and I first met Pam a year ago when we joined Cutting Edge and yet we felt we had known her for ages. She made us so welcome, she always made time to talk to us and whenever we met in Cowbridge was so friendly and cheerful. Despite the brief friendship we miss her sorely, the world has lost a lovely lady” Bridget and Rosie Craddock

Fundraising for the Phillippines

Throughout 2014 Cutting Edge has been fundraising to support the Bantayan Back to Sea charity in the Phillippines. The funds raised helped to get fishing boats back to sea so that local people had a livelihood again. Six boats were refurbished with the money. Five were named Cowbridge and in honour of our dear friend one was named Lady Pam Stead.

At Christmas Pam’s husband visited the Phillipines and is pictured here with Pam’s boat!




  1. Caroline N

    So lovely to see the picture of Roger with the ‘Lady Pam Stead’ boat – bought happy memories of dear Pam to my mind’s eye!

  2. Pingback: Exposure.ph » Cutting Edge x Bantayan Back to Sea
  3. Pingback: A Feast of Treats! | Cutting Edge

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