Recycle Finds from Our Travels

The group is already fine tuned at recycling fabrics, old clothes, vintage tablecloths, tray cloths etc so this page has been set up to log interesting examples of recycling that we come across from time to time.

On a recent visit to Kensington Palace Monica came across an exhibition of the costumes made for the film My Favourie. The bodice of the maids dress below has been made from an old pair of jans bought from a charity shop near Slough. In fact all the kitchen staffs dresses were made fron old jeans.

This costume brings jeans and denim back to their origins as working clothing. Originally denim was a hard wearing fabric worn by working peope in the 19th century, so its an intelligent and imaginative fabric to use for the 18th century servants” Matthew Storey, Historial Royal Palaces Curator

On a trip to St Fagans in January members were shown these pockets which are made from 18th century recycled quilted fabic,

…..and these 18th century needle cases are which are made from scraps of fabric

December 2019 – a lovely article in the news entitled – the joy of finishing Rita’s quilt. Reminiscent of the tableloth (see below) that we picked up in a charity shop that we are embroidering for our Make Do & Mend Project