Tagged: wood block printing

Creative Use of Hand Dyed Fabric

Today at Dyeing to Paint members were invited to bring along pieces of work that they had completed using some of their own hand dyed fabric – which produced a stunning display of talent!

Pat brought along a silk scarf that she had made. She printed it with Indian wood blocks and then lined it with cotton to produce this beautiful scarf….

Corinne showed a small wall hanging that she had made from a Gillian Travis kit. The fabric at the top and bottom of the piece was hand -dyed by Corinne. She also showed a turtle (wip) which incorporated her own hand dyed fabrics and stencilling.

Keris brought along the same wall hanging which contained some of her own dyed fabric and the backing fabric was some that she had bought in Amritsar. Keris is also working on a piece (alliums) that she created at a previous session where she used a toilet roll and cotton buds to create the allium shapes.

Chris had completed her cockerel and was working on a cushion cover that she had bought. She didn’t like the two horses so she turned them into unicorns and added some stencilling – very creative!

Monica showed a couple of small pieces of work that she had completed following previous trips to India. The Indian flower panel was one of the first art quilts she had ever made. She took the design from a photograph she had taken on a trip to India back in 2009.

The indian lady was also created from a photograph that she took on her travels

Monica had also delved deep into her cupboards to find a fabric book that she started to make a couple of years ago. Sshe showed some of the pages that she had completed and plans to continue with the book over the coming months

Jan was eager to show her coat which she had dyed with a Dylon Dye a new lease of life and a beautiful colour! She spent the day experimenting with her Inktense pencils and is creating some lovely pieces of work

Janet was pleased with a stencil that she had made. A very clear print was achieved from it as well. It is good to start thiking of Christmas early Janet!

Mary brought along a the front of a greetings card that was the perfect stencil to experiment with and she aslo had a go with some new stenicls to create some lovely images

Maggie continued working on images that she had created at the screen print workshop

And we managed to capture some lovely pieces of work that Liz had secreted away in her stash. Lovely landscapes and painted bondaweb

These roses have come out particularly well…

As usual a very busy session with lots of chatter and laughter with heaps of creativity thrown in! Well done everyone

By The Sea Fabric Painting

A loose theme for today’s Dyeing to Paint session was to create something focused on the Seaside. But as ever, it was not obligatory and the results of the day were varied, interesting and creative.

After arriving keen to create shells, lobsters and crabs in textile paints Monica started the day by stencilling an elephant on some ice dyed fabric. The stencil was so irresistable it just had to be done!

She did focus on stencilling shells before being distracted once again by a hen stencil! So many goodies it is hard to resist.

Glynis also created hens.

Corinne brought along a couple of pieces of work in progress…..

Salinder was on a fishy mission as well!

Isobelle block printed a lovely sea horse – lots of sewing potential!

Whilst Hillary patiently cut freezer paper to make beach brolly stencils. So looking forward to seeing how it progresses onto the wonderful piece of fabric that she has painted.

Fiona experimented with a few different things – even snowflakes for Christmas!

And finally, we had another session ice dyeing – looking forward to seeing the results folks.

As always a lovely varied and creative day with lots of pieces of work begging to be developed! Well done averyone and thanks to everyone for sharing their resources.

17 June 2017

Corinne’s Ice Dteing

Free Range Painting

Unusually, today’s Dyeing to Paint was held in Ystradowen Village Hall which mant that there was no going back if any resources were forgotten. So….. there was virtually everything the group owned available to tinker with, and tinker they did!

Monica and Hillary started off experimenting with the new embossing powders and Christmas stencil with some good results.

Hillary's Trees on fabric

Hillary’s Trees on fabric

Monica tried the stencil on fabric and card and Jan cut a tree on her Sissix machine and Monica then added a small glittery tree in the centre


And….. the main learning point from this exercise was that if you get distracted you might scorch your fabric – hey ho.

After a coffee and a chat Caroline was absorbed with print blocks……



As were Salinder and Keris



Keris also printed some beautiful leaves with leaves that she had picked up from Cardiff yesterday


Corinne was busy embellishing a wall hanging that she started at a previous session – which looks beautiful


And she even got time to have a go at the linocut printing

Jan had a productive day with her Sissix machine


And Isobelle played around with her glue gun and the heat gun


Chris was quietly engrossed in making labels for the many Christmas presents she will be giving. She was also enjoying the embossing powders and the Wow pen for text


Monica’s main focus of the day was printing with a linocut that she had recently made. There were samples in card and fabric


In fact, some of her samples were soon turned into Christmas cards


And finally, Hillary had been beavering away at home to finish her Chistmas Tree wall hanging – how smart is that!!!


So much enjoyment and looking forward to the next session already!